Thursday, December 23, 2010

Year End Donations

Well, here we are already at the end of another year!

A couple of declutter ideas to leave you with as we head into 2011.

Take a quick glance in the toy box, while the kids are asleep of course, and clean out the broken or seldom used toys. When the new additions arrive the old ones will be forgotten.
How about your toy box? Did you get a new updated or upgraded item. Clean out the old and make room for the new.

Anything in good working order can be donated. The donations are tax deductible. Be sure to get a slip to fill out for taxes.

The idea that when something new comes in something old goes out is a good way to live. It cuts the clutter and can be a way of re-purposing through donation.

If a home sale or purchase is in your future this simple act will make packing and moving a little easier.