Saturday, March 12, 2011


Just a quick note to let you know I have found a solution to barking dog problems for your sellers and buyers.

Let me tell you the story.

My new renter has two mature English Retrievers, mostly calm and quiet, but the next door neighbor dog is an instigator! He barks at everything. So these two joined in and created a chorus that annoyed the whole neighborhood.

We decided that as opposed to losing our renter, who didn't want another call from code enforcement officers, we should do something ourselves.

After much research we came up with some options.

Bark Collars give the dog a zap when it barks for a certain length of time. While this would quieten the resident dogs the instigator could bark scott-free! And I have to say not a very humane solution to present to a renter either.

We choose a different option.
A dog bark device, it looks like a birdhouse hung in a tree and is powered by a 9 volt battery.
It covers 50 ft and quietens all barking dogs within that range.
It is humane and safe for the pets and the environment.

Most of all it restores peace to the neighborhood!