Friday, October 19, 2012

'Will They Look in My Closets?'

You know sellers ask me all the time, "Will buyers really look in my closets?".

The answer is most certainly 'YES'!
They, especially Mrs Buyer, are purchasing closet space in a new home.
So small or shared spaces need to be made to appear as large as possible.

Where to start?
Pre-pack all out of season clothing.
This can be tricky here in the mountains, we need sweaters, even a few jackets year-round.
But pack the items less used , keeping only the bare essentials.

It is also time to donate those seldom worn or out dated items.
1-800-CALL-JANE is the number for ARC and they will pick it up!

Next you should color coordinate your closet.
I am not 'Martha Stewart', but trust me this is really an easy way to make the closet
appear larger.

ROY G BIV is the color rule used by retailers, at least for their clearance section.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
White, Grey, Black, Brown and Tan follow.

Hangers of all the same style are best.
No wire hangers from the dry cleaners, if you please.

And I hope I don't really have to say this but, make sure the clothes are hung in a tidy fashion, with buttons buttoned and zippers zipped.
Slouchy garments falling off of hangers is not a good look!

Shoes also need to be edited down to the essentials.
Start by packing those out-of-season flip flops or boots.
Ladies, this includes your handbag collection.
You too guys with your backpacks and computer bags!

About that stack of gimme tee you really wear all of those each week.
Okay so you want to be comfy on the weekends and evenings pick  your favorite 7 tees and pack the rest.

One more retailer trick for jeans on a shelf.
Fold the legs lengthwise, back pockets facing and now in half waist to hem.
Once again at the knees and place on the shelf with the folded edge out.

By taking just a few minutes on laundry day your closets will show more spacious for your buyers.

The Occupied Stage

The Occupied Stage is my favorite by far!

An occupied stage refers too the home that is inhabited by the sellers during the sale of the home.

Many people think of the Vacant Stage when the idea of staging is introduced.
The Vacant Stage is fun because I get to choose all the elements for the design of the home and each room.
Creative most definitely... challenging, yes sometimes especially with a small budget.

But the occupied stage taps into a creative vain like no other design.

Using the furniture and accessories of the seller to re-purpose, re-create and re-invent the space into a design like the homeowner never imagined but longed for the whole time they lived in a home.

The process always involves editing the items that have accumulated over the years.
'Gifts', treasures and just stuff tend to find their way in to our homes design and sometimes we don't realize how over populated the look becomes.

A room needs to be striped of its contents so that the organic process of placement can begin.

Proper placement of furniture, lighting, greenery and accessories all bring the room to life.
Now the home can look and feel it's best for every potential buyer and your sellers have a fresh take on their possessions for the new home.

And best of all it is the most cost effective form of staging!