Sellers often times fear the staging process...
They have watched the TV shows where the designer brings in all new furniture to give the house a more appealing look. Often to the tune of thousands of dollars.
My goal when staging a listing first and foremost is to make it appeal to the widest array of buyers. Secondly, I try to work with the sellers existing possesions.
Often times I can shop the home and find things that can be used in new and interesting ways.
When there are bare spots that need to be filled with items not in the home I start by asking the seller, "Who can you beg and borrow from first. Who owes you a favor or who would like to owe a favor too." This is a very cost affective way of staging your listing.
Sometimes art and accessories are what is needed. Other times furniture is required. I have had serveral occasions were items have been borrowed and the stage turned out better than the seller could possible have imagined.
I even use the 'Beg and Borrow' method for sellers who need off-sight storage. Off-sight storage is always my first choice. Some seller simply can't afford to purchase storage. Your neighbors garage is a better spot for storage than yours.
Trailers and RV's/campers must go away and the further the better so 'borrow' a spot outside your immediate neighborhood. A friend in the country perhaps...
The 'Beg and Borrow' method can really save when staging your listing.
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