Well Spring is here!
If you listed the home during the colder months your landscape may not be ready for showings.
It is time to trim back the summer blooming shrubs and bushes.
Clean up your fence row.
The grass can grow up between the slats and when it dies back for the winter it will look unkempt in the spring.
Rake the beds and add fresh mulch.
Trim the tree limps that have died over the winter.
It is also time to clean your gutters so the maintenance of the home is not brought into question when your potential buyers view them from the second floor.
The garage also needs special attention now that the weather is better.
Organize the garage, toss anything your will not be moving with you.
Power wash the floors to remove the 'snow' grime.
Don't forget the front porch it is the buyers first impression of the inside of your home.
Clear away any leftover winter clutter such as snow shovels and de-icing materials.
Sweep the porch.
Put plants in the empty flowerpots or store them if the weather is still pending.
Make sure the cobwebs are removed from the corners and de-bug the light fixtures.
Does any of your decking need paint? Now is the time to invest in your property.
First impressions are lasting impressions, make yours a good one with a Spring Spruce-up!
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